Winter Season Wk1

Winter Season.

Week 01 : Threshold Test.

Greetings Beloved Team ! Best wishes for your 2015 training and racing year. Week 01 begins with a calibration of where you are in your cycle fitness right now. You can find out why we do an FTP Test on the FTP Test page on this site. For this group I'm adapting the usual ERG Video 20m FTP Test to instead be the Mid Argyll Sprint Tri Course. This makes it a 35-45min FTP test. "Yippee" I hear you cry. We'll keep coming back to this course several times during the series. Why ? It's specific to many of your goals in 2015 and it's a course where almost all of you have a track record - which keeps it real. Finally at the end of the 10 weeks it will be just about warm enough for Stan's time trial's to start again and you'll have a head start & confidence to participate with your fitness. Build on this and you should have your best ever Sprint Tri cycle split.

Cliff in 2014: 37m:55s (30 kph)

David in 2014: 34:45 (32.8 kph)

Rebecca in 2013: 36:52 (30.9 kph)

Rona in 2013: 46.09 (24.7 kph)

Stephen in 2013 : 32m.43s  (38.8 kph)

Mr White : David

The Mid Argyll course will be an animated workout & is in real time for all of you. I'll be adding in 2 pacers : One at 33.5kph - which should motivate some folks to aim for a 34m circuit time & 27.1kph which would get you round in 42m. Those who finish first (after recovery) will be cheering the rest of you home. It's a kind of Reservoir Dogs format which means :

Mr Red = Stephen
Mr Black = Cliff 
Mr White = David
Ms Yellow = Rebecca
Ms Blue = Rona
Ms Green = Sally

Ms Green : Sally

We'll start with the usual ERG Video warmup for 25mins - during which we'll calibrate your CompuTrainers. As a reminder here's your ride profile for the warmup...

The ErgVideo Warmup

Then we'll switch to RacerMate animated mode for the Test Itself. You'll get the same workout data as in an ERG Video but the terrain of the Mid Argyll course is reproduced and you'll be "out there" as long as it takes. This is longer so approach the distance sensibly & pace yourself - but be absolutely spent by the end. From this workout I'll get the average power data to set up your ERG Videos for next week. You'll see your power & heart rate data on the screen as normal.

So while your Argyll competition is snow-bound and getting slower - you're getting those intervals into the bank and getting faster !

Next week we're back to normal with an ERG Video for your "Main Set". Just as a taster here's what next week's Power Ramps will look like ...

Demanding the following Power Zones ..

It's intensive Zone 4 work for those 10m intervals - then we'll break and "cool down" with another time trial round the triathlon course. 


1 comment:

  1. Fueling up already...Mr Red in the study with the lead piping
