Sunday 6 February 2011

A life-changing meeting

On Friday I first met my grandson. It is a few precious moments I will remember for the rest of my life. Some 45+ years after my own birth in the last century there exists a person who has every chance to glimpse life in the next century. A new life - a blank canvas of potential and possibility. It was an arresting and deeply moving experience with all manner of chaos in my mind - a whirling infinity of practicalities and emotions. Yet there he was - oblivious to any of my concerns and fears, utterly helpless, yet somehow commanding our universe  - giving my own son a smile that would instantly melt any heart. A 100% pure, complete and honest-to-God miracle. This poem by poetrywriter191 gets close to the mark ...

Welcome to the world and to our family,
May your life be filled with love
In everything you see.
You have a precious mother
Who will give you love and tender care.
Your father looked so proud of you
As you peacefully slept there.
He too was our first child,
Not so many years ago.
And we're not ashamed to tell you
How we loved him so.
May your life be filled with laughter,
And always wear a smile,
For we're only on this earth
For just a little while.
So as you grow from baby to toddler,
From boyhood to man,
We'll always remember the first time
We saw from your
Grandad and your nan.

What are you at such a moment of meeting ? What prepares you for this new relationship and what will unfold ? The Emailed pictures are as nothing compared to the reality. The love and stability in this new young family is simply inspiring. The maturity and care my son shows is moving. Instant bonds are made - deep ties created that you know, no matter what, will never break. There has been a sudden immediate time-flip, former roles broken and new identities and responsibilities beckon. A new future is unfolding. But in the days and years ahead we will always be there for you Dylan and after today I have a renewed and profound sense of what is truly important.   


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